Friday, April 4, 2008

The wave

It doesn't happen very often anymore. When she first died--even before, when she was sick, the slightest sentimental leaving-song or parent-song would get me going. These days it's rarer, and always somewhat of a surprise. It will just come over me.

And I've heard "The Letter," from Billy Elliot (the musical) before, and really liked it. Today I was even smiling as I half-sang along quietly in my office. Then the tears just came--bam! I don't even know if it's about a mother and son. It sounds like it, though. (I just read that it was a letter written to him by his dying mother. I guess subconsciously, I probably knew it was something like that, but since I don't pay much attention to lyrics, I didn't realize it outwardly.)

And seriously, did TheatreRadio put "No One Is Alone" afterwards on purpose? Come on, now.

Okay, they're pumping up the jam finally with "Fame (I'm Gonna Live Forever.)". Only damned song in this insufferable musical that was worth anything. Argh, what a waste of my time, that day. At least I can chalk it up to an experience of independence. Just to see H.

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