Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Thursday

1. Burned 3425. Woo!

2. Gerbes run before SEVEN this morning, where the regular lanes were closed and two checkers were standing bored by the self-check machines that were totally full. That's customer service, people.

3. I love big, thick pens. PENS. Stop being dirty.

4. Perfume: Chanel Chance. Glass bead stretch bracelet with red cardinals painted on each bead; baseball-themed charms hang between each bead (catcher's mask, enamel cardinal, white bead that's a baseball; bat; batting helmet; StL Cards logo; catcher's leg shields and chest guard). Silver necklace with a flip-flop pendant that says "I [heart] [baseball]"; stained glass heart earrings. Hair was down but it's driving me crazy so it's in a low pony.

5. Everything fell out of my awesome purse two weekends ago and I've been too lazy to reinstate the inside. So I dread having to find anything in there. It's all a total mess.

6. Google Translate KILLS me. I looked at a Serbian scrapbooking studio blog post and translated it to English, and it has such choice phrases as:

"And there waiting for me a great task for which the Crochet hooks graciously offered to help me, and that is to determine which yarn for what it is used."

Even me and husband happy speakers for 'lop top' as we call it for kicks, so we now have solid state sound, which we endlessly go on my nerves, so I'll be in real music that I enjoy."

7. I've never been so happy to pay my bills as this morning!

8. After work: home to a yummy meal and the tail-end of the Cardinals game. We lost, but I am SO happy that it's baseball season!!

9. Neil used this carpet refresher powder stuff when he Dysoned the apartment, so now it smells like a scrapbook store. I love love love it!

10. I was asleep by about 10:30! progress!

11. P.S....Guilty Pleasure refers to the ganachey cake I had at work for Lois' retirement party, and then the Jersey Shore reunion on MTV.

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