Monday, March 14, 2011

It's Disgusting Outside!

I didn't know it could rain slush. But here we are...

I don't like it when the ground matches the sky.

Or when it takes me an hour to get to work.

Or feeling major hunger pains.

BUT, it's a new week. And it'll be spring by the end of it.


So, today was a success! I ate normally during the day, just keeping track of my calories, and burned 1000 more (EXACTLY 1000 more!) than I ate. It was definitely tough after not having done this for awhile, and I *made* it tougher by not making super-smart choices earlier in the day. Normally I like to save my bigger meal for dinner, but I wasted a lot of calories on breakfast and I had to make it up later. I walked for a few minutes at work and for a lot of minutes at home, catching up on some Biggest Loser for extra inspiration.

I'm proud to have made it this far today--I left work a bit early because yesterday's illness was returning, and I worried I wouldn't be up for exercising tonight. I also skipped out on book club this evening for that reason, and while I was disappointed to not feel up to it, I also know I escaped some tempting snacks by not going.

More things I incorporated into my day that I want to continue: various bits of yoga; non-tech time (read: READING!).

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