Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Not a great day...

So I'll try and focus on the goods:

  • Got a lane to myself this morning at the ARC...at one point, all three lanes!
  • Returned The 1940s House to DBRL tonight. I love getting rid of things!
  • Spent the lunch hour with my Neil
  • Made Neil an Orange Supreme cake with my icing!
  • The Top 12 Idols show was on tonight with Beatles songs. It was all over the place, for sure!
  • Worked an extra hour at Stephens to start building up time for next Friday, when I'm not working
  • Finished the Wed NYTX, but with help. Every clue began with a C. Weird.
  • Extra nice weather today...about 60 degrees at its highest. Tomorrow will be the same, but then I hear it goes back to wintryness.
  • Got a cute e-mail from AmyZ this afternoon. She's always an upper. :)
I can't shake the icky feelings this week, and today didn't make it any better. I know we'll be fine, but it's a bit overwhelming for right now. I shouldn't even be wasting time on here right now, when I could be unearthing more Oz things for Ebay. I hope they'll sell well even though it isn't Christmas. I'm just in a funk...and it's only Tuesday! I'm so exhausted, already, from the week. It's so stupid. And I hate my ultra-sensitivity.

Off to find a few things, then settle in for a slice of cake and Golden Girls. Or Chef!. Or New Moon. One of 'em.

I wish I could make a bunch of space under here for dramatic effect. Time/date posts just aren't a satisfying ending.

Unless I hit return a bunch of times and put a final, meaningless sentence at the end.

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