Thursday, March 6, 2008


I know I'm late for the bus here, but I'm finally getting around to reading this. I started on Tuesday, and last night I couldn't stop. I had to, of course, but I was angry that it wasn't the weekend so I couldn't stay up all night and finish it as I wanted to. I should probably just order the rest of them--it will be hard enough returning this copy to DBRL without immediately rereading it.
I went to bed in a daze, smiling at my Neil who was half-awake and rubbing his pillow (the texture is his favorite), forgetting to do basic things like shutting off lights, bringing an extra bottle of water in with me when I had deliberately done so earlier so I wouldn't have to remember later, and leaving my fracking contacts in so I awoke this morning to a disorientingly clear world.

So what is it lately with these astoundingly awesome books? I'm on such a good roll. I don't want to lose it. Acito, Uglies, Berg, Binchy, now this....come on! What's going on with the universe not to have some unsatisfying reads every now and then? (Perhaps my unsolicited mss from Harlequin were my payment.) But I have around 50 pending DBRL-owned books on my dresser, and I know they can't all be spectacular, so I'm bound to get disgusted with one some time.

{There there, Negative Nelly. You'll be disappointed soon.}

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