Sunday, April 3, 2011

Eighty-degree Sunday!

1. Burned 3382....ALLLLmost. Better than most weekends, though!

2. I'm *seething* after having had to publicly defend my religious preferences on FB. (OK, I wasn't forced, but a friend who should have known better posted on my wall. It was followed by other religious-minded peoples' comments, and I got pissed.) Why, why, WHY can't people respect I have the right to believe what I choose, without their intervention??

3. [hours later...] I'm having trouble letting this go. I got a half-assed "didn't mean to offend" response, and I'm shaking mad right now. I have been for most of the day. I would never in a million years tell my religious friends my feelings about their beliefs, or try to steer them in another direction. And of course, she's now twisted it around to make it look like I'm the one out of line. grrrrrrrrrrrr.

4. At least the Cards won today.

5. Windy and 83 degrees outside tonight....feels like a fantastic summer night.

6. I took my baby to work tonight, then drove to Wal-M to get provisions for the week. I took both to and from routes through campus/downtown, and it was so great to see the streets alive, on a Sunday night, with students out for a stroll...flip flops and cups of frozen yogurt, just back from Spring Break to be welcomed by this glorious weather. I don't often wish I were back in school, but I was nostalgic for those times.

7. Okay, I deleted the string of posts. And I immediately felt like a weight had been lifted.

8. I played Plants vs. Zombies this weekend! Not really sure what all the fuss is about, except it's kind of funny.

9. Suddenly stormy outside at 11:30 Sunday night. The frogs outside are going crazy.

10. Thinking of coupon-clipping again, but I can't let my anal side gain too much control or I'll be obsessed over it.

1 comment:

LilBear said...

Well now how the hell am I supposed to go gawk at the wreckage on FB? You are no fun at all.