Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 6

Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

I'm going to make an unofficial rule that this doesn't have "again" at the end, because if I were given that option, it's another endless list. I hope to never have to date again; I hope to never step on a slug barefoot again; I hope to never eat another raisin again; I hope to never go to school again; I hope to never see an iota of a scene of "Twin Peaks" again; I hope to never see my ex-boyfriend again (and for Neil never to see his ex-wife again...*grin*).

So. Something I hope I never have to do.

I hope to never be a mother to a teenager.

I was driving home from work the other day, tired and hot, squinting into the 5:00 sun along Stadium, inching forward in line to turn onto Forum. I idly glanced in my rearview mirror at the car behind me. A professional-looking gentleman was in the driver's seat, ostensibly coming home from a long day as well. In the passenger seat slumped a sullen-looking young adult, staring out the side window, ears plugged with iPod earbuds. I could almost see the tension in the car; knew that if the father wanted to speak to his son, it would be met with stony silence or a complaint. The mood would continue throughout the evening, the next morning, afternoon, and for years, on and on and on.

I never want to come home to that. I never want to not know how to speak to my own children.
Man, I would be SO bad at that.

1 comment:

LilBear said...

Ooh, good one. Me too.
Oh wait.

Word Verification (for realz)! motheer