Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 14

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down. (letter)

Wow. This one sounds really sad.

Plus...I don't have too many "heroes" aside from my parents. I admire so many people, but they're human to me. Mom and Dad have ever, ever been my heroes, and neither have done a thing to let me down in so dramatic a fashion that I'd feel the need to write a letter. And even if I felt they had at one point, I've *always* realized, later in life, that what they did was only because they loved me and could see what I couldn't.

Okay, so maybe...a role model? Or someone I idealized? And I'm not writing a letter.

Jan Czechowski, my adviser in the theatre department. I think he really disliked me by the time I graduated.

Mr. Butz. Really liked you, favorite teacher. Why you wanna go and delete me off Facebook and still have other former students as friends? Why why why?

Okay, seriously, I've been staring at this for fifteen minutes and I can't come up with any more. I'm sure there are tons! I am an extremely negative person! WTH is wrong with me??

Oh well, that's all for now.

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