Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 4

Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.

This is a good one for me, because I hold irrational grudges for so long. I so wish I were the kind of person who could react to something minorly unpleasant once, and then forget about it, but I'm just not wired that way. The cross-stitch pillow I read about in a memoir, where the author was speaking of her grumpy old maiden aunt ("I will never forget any bad thing anyone has ever done to me") might as well have been made for me.

But one thing.....?

One thing. This is tough!

Okay. So this should give you some insight into how insane I am about grudges.

Dear waitress that one night seven years ago at D'Agostino's:

I forgive you from spilling the starter salad all over me, and for rendering my new suede flared jacket unwearable. I didn't hide my annoyance at the time, but I didn't yell or anything; nevertheless, you fled from the table in tears. We were all baffled (except Mom, who had treated you at Boone and knew you how on the edge you always were about everything), and I was so sad about my beloved new jacket that I didn't really care about your well-being.

The little Italian restaurant in the Village of Cherry Hill (Columbia's manufactured Suburban Cutesy Gazeboed Area Off Chapel Hill) has since shut down for good, and I have no idea where you are, or even what your name is. But I forgive you.

We're done here.

1 comment:

LilBear said...

Well that is... very specific. And funny. Although I'm sure it was not AT ALL at the time.

Hooray for irrational grudges!