Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring's shoelaces seem to be untied.

It's running, trying to catch up to where it's supposed to be, but it can't run fast because its shoes are flopping around its feet, the laces flying out in four directions. And any minute now, it's going to trip over itself, and break the lace, and then you have one shoe with a dead-end of a shoelace, and why does that ALWAYS seem to happen when you're just in the beginning of the All-School Picnic at Cosmo Park and have to spend the rest of the damned day with stupid broken-laced shoes and you can't play anymore? And you haven't even gotten to go up in the Rocket-ship yet?

(P.S.? That rocket was SCARY! I bet they took it down because it was a safety hazard.)

I may have taken the metaphor a little far here.

All I'm saying is that I should not still be wearing socks every day.

So this morning, I was finishing the NYTX...groggily, yes, but ever since Intro to Shakespeare my freshman year at Grinnell, when I frantically read Henry IV a few hours before my morning class when it was due and for the first time, actually UNDERSTOOD IT, I've realized I do my best thinking in the morning. And I am NOT a morning person. So I very rarely get to have the opportunity to THINK in the morning, because every instinct is telling me to get to bed.

Anyway, so I did about half last night, then saved it so I could go to bed with my cutie of a husband. This morning, pre-shower, I turned the TV on low (KOMU-TV's morning broadcast...YAY ERIC ALDRICH!), and opened my half-completed puzzle. I was moving along, but one 3-letter area was stumping me: "NL team, on scoreboards"...and it was idiotic, because if there's anything I know, it's my National League teams! And I know their shortened names! I had "N - M" and couldn't get it. "New MEXICO doesn't have a team. Nam? Is Vietnam suddenly in the Major Leagues?" Frustrated at myself, I idly glanced over at the TV...and just below the reporters, on the scrolling Current News Bar, at that *very second*...was yesterday's score of the Spring Training New York Mets vs. StL game. It was a strange moment of "Oh my god, DUH!" and "Whoa...the TV is totally psychic!"

In other news:

1. Lindsay is having TWO KIDS today! Two! I thought it would get less surreal each time as friends have babies, but it's really not. It's pretty much always "Whoa, KIDS?! But *we're* still kids! We have rehearsals for the All-School musical every night next week and that huge research paper due for our Honors English class at the end of the month; how will you have time to watch after babies?" Maybe this will be an easier adjustment when someone who *already* has a kid, has another one. But definitely not two at once. Wow.

2. Megan was finally, mercifully booted off "Idol" last night. She is one messy piece of crazy with a dollop of "wtf?" thrown in. I liked her at first, when she was earthy and barefoot and warbly, but she morphed into this ugly big-haired inappropriately-styled train wreck who chose "Rockin' Robin" on MICHAEL JACKSON NIGHT. You have the world at your feet, sunshine...and you choose Rockin' Damned ROBIN??

3. Anyway.

4. While I am following a *few* of my faux-Lenten promises, my "check-off sheet" is behind a few days. And I haven't exercised. I wore heeled sandals yesterday afternoon (too soon; it was way chilly) and my calves were feeling it. I'm okay for walking long's those other muscles that have lain stagnant for so long.

5. I was driving home on Tuesday evening, heading down Forum Blvd right past the Walgreen's and the turn for D. Rowe's, when I saw a horse. A man on a horse. Plodding along. Looking sad. The horse was brown and white and almost shaggy, like a pony, but big like a regular horse. The man atop the horse was a corpulent, odd-looking character, dressed in one of those small-patterned camo jackets; head down. It was so extremely out of place--I could see a Stephens girl bobbing along on her sleek brown steed, wearing one of those weird velvet hats and pants that have the weird shape and holding herself perfectly erect...I mean, it would still be strange, but not so fish-out-of-water as this dude slowly, sadly ambling past the Country Club with everyone in their Altimas and Priuses gaping at him.

6. I'm suddenly out of steam. Not permanently, just for the moment. And I haven't changed my calendars yet!



Stefanie said...

I love this brief glimpse into your life! Thanks for sharing the link! :)

Emily S. said...

MINUTAE fo sho! LOVED it!!! Loved the horse writing.

and I LOVED that rocket.

Peeser said...

Yeah. That rocket was the BEST. It's a shame that broken shoelaces kept you from the fun of it all (although, if you thought it was scary, wouldn't it be a *good* thing that you didn't get to go up in the rocket?)