Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's flying by!

Wow, I need to stop and appreciate this summer before it leaves me completely. I'm sure things will be saner after this weekend--it will be a tough drive, but with a wonderful destination.

In the meanwhile, my massive to-do list...

(I don't expect to do all these things this week. They're just suggestions to what I should be working on. Starred entries are absolutely necessary this week.)

1. Call Munchies people; SF Music Box people
**2. Write card to Grandma & e-mail K & B
3. Online: Desperate, Bachelorette, Ugly, Paper
4. DVR: last season of Bach & 'Ettes 
**5. Write packing list before Friday afternoon
**6. Pack for trip
**7. Call Macy's & GO on Thurs or Fri for dad's gift
**8. Pay Sprint bill (phone)
**9. Go through closet bottoms for packing possibilities
10. July 2: Tickets for Sweeney & Bee @ Jesse (contact AGA) online
11. Check each week for Rent Fox tix in summer '09 (checked 6/11)
**12. Cut out restaurant coupons for trip
**13. Get some canned caffeinated diet soda for trip
14. Implement small note-taking notebook by computer
15. Finally finish newspaper bag (almost there!)
**16. Finish photos of all eBay items (Just a goal)
17. Begin list of weights & measures for items (use measuring tape too)
18. Find out what shows Roger's in
19. Call Steve re Roger, song, Mike Straw
20. Get a good start on a wedding timeline
21. Renew license (through the mail?); get personal prop. tax receipt & copy of insurance card
22. Finish Mad Men & Rock EWs; Grinnell mag
23. Read more Julia. When done, pass on to Dad.
24. Catch up with Fly Lady
25. Look for Stephen Fry HP cds
26. PBS updates?
27. Tape card decks (done:)
28. Finish Undeclared DVD (3 commentaries & last episode)
29. Find a LC chicken salad & grilled salad recipe online
30. Cut out crosswords for Dad
31. Re-implement planner
32. Starting Wednesday 6/18, work out four times a week regularly
33. Make omelettes, oopsies, & cauliflower with Dad
34. Copy books-on-cd to CDs
35. Read & send PBS book
36. Make Summer Goals list
37. Pick up B.C. soon
38. Begin incorporating regular chores into daily schedule (vacuum, dust, floors, clean fridge, e-mail folders, window ledges, surfaces, go through clothes & shoes for laundry needs)
39. Emily: July 7?
40. Begin to complete work at night
41. Dryer-lint cleaner?
42. Financials 6/20: Pay Joe; bills; grocery shop
43. Check out Katy Place exercise room; walk to Clover's; walk to Dad's
44. Keep track of puzzles printed for Dad on blog
45. Begin work on guest list
46. Look through new Anti-Bride Guide
47. Lily: Dress? Gardens? (Em: same)

**Menu: Jambalaya/sausage; Pierogies; Chicken/asiago brats; Salmon burgers; Salad w/ crispy chicken; crispy turkey?

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