Saturday, May 16, 2009


It's not really a bad 'argh'...just an "Aw, man!" argh.

I just read about this awesome awesome thing from MotherReader...the Fourth Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge, where everyone who signs up reads constantly for that weekend (taking whatever breaks they want, but mainly focusing on the reading) and posting short blurbs/reviews about every book they read. The only requirements are that the books read be at or above a 5th grade reading level.

It sounds FABULOUS.

Only, it's June 5-7th, a weekend I already have mega-plans for...and even if I didn't have mega-plans for it, it's totally my birthday weekend and I'm not going to spend my birthday weekend holed up reading because there is Art in the Park and lovely family time and I could use that to make people play board games or Celebrity with me and take me out to Sophia's three times, at least. And a cookie cake from Hot Box Cookies, which did you know MAKES YOUR COOKIES WHILE YOU WAIT? Oh my freaking god. And it makes me sad that there will be no Art in the Park for me this year, because that is always Dad's present, to buy me something I pick out there, and I love it. But I have never had a getaway weekend for my birthday, and we did it for Neil a couple years ago--went to Chicago for IKEA and chocolate cake shakes at Portillo's and to see USA vs. Brazil play soccer and Ronaldinho was there (it's confusing because on the same team was Ronaldo, who is not as good but whose name is easier to pronounce, especially for a novice such as myself). And it was a FANTASIC trip. Except I made Neil miss the US's like, only goal because I was thirsty and he went to get me a bottle of water and himself a t-shirt and we scored. Did you know they won't give you the bottle tops to the water? Because people throw them onto the field too much? That's the stupidest thing ever. Like we don't have a billion other stuff in our purses we could throw down? I'd rather have a plastic bottlecap thrown at me than a mascara wand or some girl's used kleenex. Or fingernail clippings. GAG ME, I don't think there are many things grosser than fingernail clippings. But I am grossed out easily, so it's all pretty bad.

I have only had a little caffeine today, but I kind of feel like it has been more.

I am eating baby carrots and dip, and crunching the carrots always makes me feel tough and bad to the bone, like I am going to KICK your ASS with my TEETH so you better watch it. Except the name 'baby carrots' pretty much wimps it down.

So anyway, I wish I could do this fun challenge. I've never really participated in anything like it, but I've always wanted read HP the weekend it comes out (never have, I always wait like a month), or go to the Crossword Puzzle Tournament or some kind of Set/Cross Sums/PathWords mash-up weekend somewhere (it doesn't exist, though) or a scrapbook crop or convention...just....something that I could devote an entire weekend to, and it would be awesome and I'd meet other total geeks such as myself who enjoy it, and we'd talk about it the whole weekend because come on, no one's husband wants to listen to their wife discuss the merits of chipboard letters vs. foam and how come the sticky backs never stay on the page like other adhesive letters do. That's one of the reasons I loved so much the weekend Emily and I spent almost *exclusively* scrapbook-shopping around St. Louis...we couldn't get sick of it, and we went crazy, and talked and talked and talked about what we liked and didn't like and wanted and hated and used, and spent far too much money (but not REALLY, because the WHOLE STORE WAS 75% OFF EVEN BASICGREY!), and it was exhilarating.

And I'm not saying an entire weekend devoted to 'pleasure reading' would be exhilarating. But I'd most definitely look forward to it, and I'd get everything all set up, like buy single-serving juices and finger sandwiches and pre-fill all the bottles of water I would need and mark off a space where I would be reading and blog about the things I read and see if anyone else would do it too, or if not, no big deal, and pick out the array of books I could choose from, being careful to include multiple genres and MOODS within genres (like, sassy chicklit, sassy sensual chicklit, sassy YA, naive YA, humorous fiction, celebrity memoir, clutter self-help, scrapbook idea books, etc) and turn off my phone and LOVE IT. And even though it would be tempting, I would not read anything I'd read before. Maybe that could be another weekend--Beverly Cleary weekend, or Judy Blume or LM Montgomery or Maeve Binchy or Nick Hornby or Lemony Snicket weekend.

It's weird, because although the idea of doing a single type of thing all weekend appeals to me, one of those 'TV Marathons' does NOT. It sounds depressing. And I am a huge fan of the TV! I just know I'd get so sick of it...even my Golden or Gilmore Girls, I fear, and that is a risk I shall not take. Also, I think I'd get too hung up on the 'not-being-at-ALL-productive' thing, and come to work Monday being ashamed to answer when people ask how my weekend went. "Awesome! I ate 5 bags of Baked Lays, an entire pan of brownies, and watched 100 episodes of Frasier straight through!" I mean, at least with reading, even if it's trashy, your mind works a bit. And that's more books I can put on my "Books Read" list (yes, I have a list. It is 66 pages long) and return to the library or put on Paperback Swap. And I might just come across a book that changes something about me, or how I think, in a good way, which happens once in a blue moon but is the most awesome feeling.

So maybe I'll just do it. My next free weekend is not for awhile, but it IS coming... (after May, I'm not working weekends anymore, and in June, we're traveling every weekend except the last one, when Steve will probably be here and he is TOO FUN FOR READING!) It'll be tough to resist the 'oh, no, things need to get done around the house or whatever' urges, but I think if I set aside a weekend ahead of time, and let myself look forward to it and prepare for it, it'll be a grand old time.

[statement at end of entry to give some dramatic space in between REAL last statement of entry and the time stamp/comments link.]


Peeser said...

Wow. I would love to give that 48-hour reading thing a go... Is it just in Columbia? Is it a nationwide thing? Sadly, I am booked for that weekend, too, but I may just do my own 48-hour read-a-thon... it would be a great way to at least start some of the many books on my list TO read (that happens to be a long list, but I am slowly trying to work my way through it.)

the only question- is sleeping allowed at all? True, there have been times when I've stayed up WAY later than I should reading (e.g. when I'm on a Harry Potter kick and I've hit the point of no return in one of the books), but even then, if my eyes are heavy, it doesn't matter how good the book is, I need some sleep...

I hope you get to do it, if not this year, maybe next year.

genevieve said...

That's what I think, too! Really reading, for long amounts of time, is like spending money on a vacation, to me--no, there's never going to be a great time for just have to DO it!

The explanation says that 'challengers' are allowed to choose if they want to stop and go out to dinner, sleep, shower, etc--some folks have to take their kids to soccer, things like that--it just asks that you make it a true challenge, I think so the 'reading' part doesn't become a "I'll get to it" know?

But yeah, I could NEVER read for even 24 hours. Those walk-a-thon, dance-a-thon, rock-a-thon things MAY be do-able, because you're with a bunch of people and you're being active, but sitting in comfort reading a book, for me, would mean I'd probably fall asleep VERY easily when the urge hits. :) I'm betting, though, that if you're in the middle of a book that turns out to be AMAZING, you'd be more forgiving (to yourself--I know I always beat myself up when I see how late it's gotten if I'm really engrossed) if you wanted to stay up really late reading it.


genevieve said...

Oh, yeah, and I forgot to answer your first question--not a local thing, as far as I know! Though it would be totally neat if DBRL made their space available that whole time for folks to 'marathon' in!

Emily S. said...

Phew!!!! Are you SURE you weren't overcaffeinated for that? Ha ha! THat was a BRAIN DUMP to end all brain dumps!

And yeah, that weekend WAS magical.