Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Almost 2009...

I haven't made a True New Year's Resolution List in years.

I used to do them every single New Year's Eve, and I had to do them before midnight in order for their 'magic' to work. I'd inevitably be at somebody's house, flying into an empty bedroom at 11:45, frantically trying to remember what I'd fuzzily thought about putting on the list, scribbling on a ripped-out sheet of notebook paper: "Lose lbs...kiss a boy...keep room clean..." as everyone else had a grand old time puckering up in the next room. And invariably, I wouldn't keep a single one. "Kiss a boy" isn't exactly a resolution anyway...more like a wish.

I've definitely been more on top of regular To-Do lists lately, and especially with the wedding this year, I had about twelve going at once. But the nutso-ness of life lately has pushed all minor to-dos to the side, and my recent rash of days off (FIVE! Five in a ROW!! I was sick for them, but they sure were nice otherwise...) put my important to-dos in fuller focus.

I think I'll do one this year. And I'd love to go back to this, gray out those I've done (or have made progress on...maybe I'll darker-gray those), and get back on track for some things I've let slide.

1. Begin Weight Watchers; stick with the plan for a full month. (I'm hoping this will lead into another month...and another...and another!) I'm not going to outline a specific weight-loss goal, because I believe that invites failure.

2. Join the ARC, or work out at home at least 3 times a week.

3. Write out all thank-you notes; send out with photos.

4. Work out Pensacola trip with Neil & family.

5. Read/return at least one DBRL book every other week.

6. Work on clearing apartment clutter (books, kitchen, fridge).

7. Purchase desktop PC/set up wireless internet.

8. Use restaurant.com coupons.

9. Clear Hotmail inbox regularly.

10. Complete work training; become comfortable with ref duty.

11. Begin 30,000-mile tune-ups for Corolla.

12. Minor things: keep up with DVR recordings; keep up with EWs.

13. Purge/clip old magazines.

14. Floss regularly, or use WaterPik. Visit the dentist!

15. Use my spare time for good, and not evil.

16. E-mail friends more regularly, and with substance--and more promptly. I love writing; why don't I make more time for it?

17. Keep my relationship with Neil open, strong, loving, and healthy.

18. Be a good or better friend.

19. Pay off some of our debt.

20. Quit Sprint!

I will probably add to this as I think of more, and come back to it regularly to remind myself of what I'm bound and determined to get a good start on. Or perhaps to provide a running commentary on how it's going.

{eh...who am i kidding?}


Anonymous said...

shouldn't #s 16 & 17 rank higher than apartment clutter? ...and I think your chatty emails are wonderful, nothing to improve.
B :)

librarysunshine said...

What a list you have! And there are times when doing things for evil are actually for the greater good ... just some food for thought. :) Happy new year!

Emily S. said...

love it! sorry I am a procrastinative commenter.... *sigh*

I love the "grey out" idea... in shade of grey. Good luck, my dear... and thank you for such a wonderful visit!!

Peeser said...

The funny thing I have found about resolutions is that people seem to think that once they have broken the resolution (either accidentally or because of some weakness), that's it. They can't go back and try again. They'll just have to wait for the next year to try again.

That is why I have just decided to call my resolutions "goals." And the beautiful thing is, if I slip up and fail on any one of them, I allow myself to re-set the goal and try again, BEFORE the next year comes... Goals/REsolutions are not supposed to be a one time shot. Yeah, I could blah blah blah about how, if at first you don't succeed.... but you get the picture. I say kudos to your resolutions. Good luck. Even if you procrastinate the day you actually begin them (hey, I'm a classic procrastinator), still, as long as you try before the end of 2009, I think you can call it good...

Here's to a positive year! Best of wishes (and I hope you're feeling better!)